Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Teozintle / Espalda azul


Piles, columns, glasses
that they do not keep secrets
indiscreet glasses
that the words are learned
and they get to know it everything
Resonance of sobs
and kisses that fall
until your feet.
Or they remain suspended in your irony
of blue glasses.

Texto agregado el 21-03-2004, y leído por 215 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
21-03-2004 ahh... i want that you write in spanish too, much people here can´t read this.. tiamatvampire
21-03-2004 blue glasses! good choice, is just one stuff of the people that don´t wanna exposure yours eyes, is the face of the copycat and the of the lie... tiamatvampire
21-03-2004 Can you write in Spanish please? Thanks you very much. anemona
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