Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / cheyin / marmalade flavored soul


[Sometimes I'm high and this is what you get, so don't complain]

..maybe 'tis just a lie when I try to kiss what's left where your corpse's suppossed to be, right down my brain, deep inside u'll find three stainds, one heart and a marmalade flavored soul, hidden behind my own .net domain breaking down the stupid chains that pull hard and break my bones, and I'm high and I don't give a fuck if your beauty fades between my lips bleeding and screaming my last words
come back, let's die together, let's get fucked, let's bleed, let's love our shadows reflecting one heart

And maybe I'll take you to the moon, or just my personal sun with sandy shores and I will surf your love if you just hold me, if you never take away what's left of my marmalade soul, if you never walk away, if you never let me go

Texto agregado el 04-09-2007, y leído por 107 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
12-09-2007 oh! all dopes are punch-drunk and riding my will. And will tonight is to get high and watch the stars go yellow and purple. .net drogadict. wertherbrightside
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