Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Idlas082 / Fairy hour


Have you heard the wind whisper? have you noticed the light twinkle? have you enjoyed the life set upon?
Oh! i will go where i please, oh, i will live what i need, no more whining or whimpering, for the spirits of nature fly amongst the trees and their leaves pouring dust of dreams, enchanting every part of the grounds and tender dirt.
Come, show me how i can please you, we, magic creatures belong to our emotions and for them we turn the earth and bring apricots and burnberries to the hands of the gentle caress that will accept our delights.
But beware, for the fairy's kindness disappears the moment the free spirit feels deceived, and it'll demmand to be payed for every second given; but time is ephemeral in his world and love is only a dream to be reached in the quietest slumber of the breathing soul; we all turn our backs and stories will be written, which eyes will read the sweet words?
Voluble, inconstant, changeable heart of human nature, will i be able to reach you?
There's no good or evil, there's only nature ruling my behavior through passion in the tracks of the happiness promised.
Hence away now, the stars are up and the moon chasing her sun lover shows the way, if you ever encounter the place, keep it safe, for there's no more horrible monster than regret.

Texto agregado el 03-09-2007, y leído por 194 visitantes. (1 voto)

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09-09-2007 Mis estrellas para usted. Escribe muy bien. AstralRomance
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