Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Idlas082 / I remember


Do you remember the days when this wasn't like this, and i wasn't like that? How come can one forget what he lived? is it that he has lived it so many times that is has become ordinarily in his life? I remember the days when my brain was more important that my looks, i remember the days when talking was more than a few simple phrases and meeting was more exciting if it was longed. Why were you here? Why r you now tatooed to my mind? what was it on you that was so important? I know you will forget me, and i know you have found the one; and as much as it hurts, and as much as my tears won't let me, my walk will be firm and my feet will grab the sand under and when i arrive where the sea becomes one with the sky, then i will be in peace.

Texto agregado el 03-09-2007, y leído por 189 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
09-09-2007 Wow!!! No importa que te olvide, lo que cuenta es que tú lo recuerdes. AstralRomance
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