Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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The world, invisible to my loves eyes,
Caramel, they are trapped in my heart.
A breeze of his peaceful words breathe art,
Through his glittery lips sensational vibes.

Kiss, exotic promises to suppress frustrations.
A grasping of breath ignites prohibit passion.
Every touch, smooth hands rubs my back,
All shivery. Sensations are too deep for words.

Sparkles are flying, I can’t see, all is dim.
Fire is growing, my body burns, he sweats.
Life cannot get any sweeter than this.

Love, kisses fly; just a girl with a boy,
Unaware of what’s about to happen,
It is so exquisite, provokes to sin.

Texto agregado el 24-08-2007, y leído por 100 visitantes. (0 votos)

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