Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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if you want to I can save you, I can take you away from here, You saved me from myself, and I saved you from darkness, and now I miss you but I am waiting for the day to see your eyes, to dry my tears, to take your hand, and leave this place.
I am waiting for the day.. when I can hold you and never let you go. Is been a hard way, but the best I've ever been...
I felt I touched the sky, I felt my heart was outside, in your hands...
and all I wanted was a light
and I found the sun
and all I wanted was a coat
and I found a hug
I wanted to be happy
and I found love
I wanted everything
and I found you
I wanted happiness
and I found your smile.
and now... I have you... and that's all I need in my life..

Texto agregado el 30-07-2007, y leído por 83 visitantes. (0 votos)

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