Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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to let myself feel, to let myself cry, and to let myself laugh, wings to let myself be, be just to be, wings, wings to let myself smile, to let myself shout to the sky this feeling.
Wings not to look down. not to fall, not to go back, wings to go away, and wings to express, wings to cover this heart. but to open myself to myself... this are my wings to let myself learn to fly and never stop. this are my wings. here is where I will take you.. I will take you under my wing. I will scape. and I will set this soul free. wings to heal... wings to feel.
I'll put my heart in your hands, you won't hurt me, i will put my heart in your hands, you promised not to... lift me up... lift me up, and fly away... build me up... is good for something.
build me up. I love myself the way I am.

Texto agregado el 30-07-2007, y leído por 97 visitantes. (0 votos)

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