Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I am the one here... (the wrong one) there is no sense.... And I don't want to find it...
my never coming dream... when I can sleep... and never wake up... one day when my eyes... will never open to this stupid reality.
no one really read this... so why not placing the real words inside this growing feeling.
One day... I really hope... I can stop this... this way of life... one day, I really hope this existence can get to the end... to my endlessly dream... there's nothing right in my actions... nothing wrong in my words... nothing here anymore.
my wildest dream... the one... that overlaps any other I may have...
just stop this,
and I wish... no... I dont hope anyone can understand... I dont think anyone can have the time... to read my skin...
Am I the victim here?.... how then would I stop this feeling?.... how can I tell my heart and body and soul not to feel?
I am guilty here,
so one day... This dream will come, and will take me.... so far away... and My body will be there... static... and without sense...
no life.... just what I need and been begging for...
to take this piece of life away from here....
one day... this and me....
and all of what I am, will no longer exist
one day... (hopefully).....

Texto agregado el 30-07-2007, y leído por 96 visitantes. (0 votos)

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