It is not cause or consequence it is not final nor origin it is pardon of a soul. This revolution is as much yours as it is mine, from the Indians to the Christians; it is of all us and for all them. It is the essence and it is the whole, it is the morning of yesterday Confused with the pain beloved. It is what it is. It is only a stupid suffering for the forgotten. It is reason and misfortune. It is words and dreams, it is the revolution, and it has no reason. Thus she is mine; she is as yours dear Sir as mine she was. You and I, perhaps that you and Che or Cuba and Moscow better yet; all of us. Say it! Scream –Feel-Love Be Because at the end All of them have fought for a reason; A simple reason: the right to think. The right to reason The right to be. For that reason; make use of the gift Be free, be one. I leave my mind today and the revolution is never clear. Be free.
Texto agregado el 30-07-2007, y leído por 141 visitantes. (4 votos)