Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rayables / Cancion a la muerte en English


(No es una traduccion del otro poema que aparece en este sitio, sino un poema paralelo que fue parte del sue#o, perdonen que no sea en Castellano, pero creo que agrega algo a la version Castellana. En fin...)

Bite off my knuckles baring bone beneath
Watch the maggots crawl like tears
Tempt me always out of reach
Teach me to confront my fears

I run to you with feet of lead
as you whisper "kiss me"
and ask for me to sing a song
while you stand there listening

I want to dress you up in white
in a yellow wedding
In the winter of this life
change the clothes I'm wearing

It's getting hot too hot for me
I need to feel more naked
I feel the passing of your breeze
as I lay here sweating

Tempt me with your palid lips
but let me stay here longer
in between these humid sheets
and the spell I'm under

Texto agregado el 20-07-2007, y leído por 117 visitantes. (0 votos)

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