Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Frankie / The Call


Poema para el concurso de Ictys de Oro de Inglés

I look at the sky
Because the world is too dark and
I can’t see.

My senses betray me.
I lose,
I’m lost.

My eyes are blinded,
Blinded by the sound of distortion.
My heart beats too fast.
The fear cries into my veins.
I can’t stand it.
I run.

I fall of my pride,
I fall of my fake glory.
Who am I?
No one,
Just myself…

I hear Your call.
I listen to your voice
Far away at the beginning,
It grows
And louder…
It becomes clear.

I listen.

A mission I have.
What a noble one!
The mission of sharing the truth.
How to ask for more?
How to say no?

I can’t lower my voice.
I want to shout my joy to the world.
Your name is now my message,
My message is Your voice.

Who am I?
But a simple person?
Who am I?
For You to choose me?
Who am I?

Only at your eyes
I can know my real “me”.
Only by Your voice
I can change the world.
Only but Your love,
I can really live.

They all have an answer.
I’m nothing but a messenger
I can do nothing,
But with your grace,
But at your eyes,
What am I not?

I’m fragile.
That’s what I am.
I’m weak.

I fall and crawl through the ground,
I get dirty in misery,
I forget my message
And my foot steps disappear.
I’m weak.

He doesn’t see the dust in my soul
But the present it is.
Hanging of His arm, I stand.

I keep walking.
I go on.
The path is not over.

This is just the beginning.

Texto agregado el 19-07-2007, y leído por 91 visitantes. (0 votos)

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