Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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it's a big scar, not in the chin in my heart it is.

there aren't aid paid to stop the blood,it is blooding, but not what it used to.

sometimes i should know you, but I can't understand you, and yours ways.

I thought I can see you again, but it can't be possible i don't love you, but i love you.this is not a game, not even a real life.

everything it is in my mind.

all of that is a new way to live the life.

but i wish the end.

the end of what? the end of the travel.

now the blood is stoping, now there ar no more blood, there are two scars: one in my mouth and one in my heart; and it is so cold.

I think i can die frozing now.

What are you doing? are you coming for me? did you write to me? do you loved meonce or twice?

i think i loved you all days since you know me.

i see a green guitar, but i won't cry anymore for you.

everything i'll do for me.

searching the aid paid, now i need a heart cirugy (la ultima palabara es cirugia pero no se como se escribe)

creo q esta bien escrito en ingles, mucho no se, pero asi fue como me salio del corazon

Texto agregado el 08-06-2007, y leído por 110 visitantes. (0 votos)

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