Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Westphalen / The Calyster



Narator- a hobgoblin: A long time ago there was a very exotic and great country called Jachkastamon. It was so far away that nobody but the people who lived there knew about this country.
The king, the queen, the prince, the princess, and all the population live peacefully in there, not just because Jachkastamon was very well governed by the king, but because they had a lot of support from the god. Why did they have a lot of support from him? It was because of the pact that Jachkastamon had done with the Zilard who was the God of gods. The pact consisted on the population and the royalty to protect the calyster in a special temple and they should led people to go in there, just, to praise the calyster and pray the Zilard.

The Calyster was a big pearl which was half white and half blackish grey. It had the most amazing powers ever seen before. It had all the power joined and kept inside from the gods. As long as the calyster was very well protected on its special temple, the country was going to live satisfied and in peace.
Everything seemed to be too perfect and marvelous but nobody knew that there was a very powerful person who was very unhappy, jealous and revengeful. His name was Sir Mackalister. He was a duke that, once, he tried to kill the king and take his place but he couldn't because the king defeated him and put him into prison, but he escaped. Nobody knew anything from him because he disappeared. But, suddenly, one night he stole the calyster so the king was desesperated. He asked Armund Stofler (who was the best warrior of all and a very intelligent and audacious man) to find the precious calyster because the country was on a huge and dangerous crisis so it could be destroyed. Did Armund accept the king's offer? Was the calyster found so everything could come back to normal? Let's see what happens.....

In the night at the temple.

The king ( Sir Higor Manus ): Valentines, what are you doing here? It is too late dear, you should go to sleep right now.

Valentines ( the princess): Oh! I'm sorry father. I was praying the Zilard and praising the calyster and I didn't realize how late it is but don't worry father I will go to sleep right now. Are you going to bed also?

King: Oh, no dear. I think I will also pray to the gods and praise the calyster for a few hours.

Valentines: All right. Good night father, see you tomorrow.

King: Good night dear.

Valentine goes to sleep while Sir Higor Manus stays at the temple.

King: (praying): Oh Zilard! God of gods, please keep on protecting my country from evil and make my people and my family happier every day.

The King goes out off the temple. He arrives to the castle and looks at his country through his room's window.

king: (very touched) It is just like a dream that comes true.

He goes to sleep. The next day the bells of the central church start to ring at 6 o'clock in the morning so everybody wake up. When the king wakes up he starts to listen to lots of shouts and people crying. He goes to the window and sees that his country was on a big crisis. People were dying because of a mortal virus that has been spread out all over Jachkastamon. Also, a huge and very dangerous storm begins, so houses start to break and a flood has been produced. Lots of people start to drown. Everything is a mess, pain is felt, animals and plants are dying so food is missing, the country is been destroyed.

King: (shouting ): Oh my God!

He runs desperately to the temple while he is crying. A few minutes later, he reaches the temple and he lies on his knees.

King: Zilard, God of gods, what is happening to my country? Why is Jachkastamon being attacked? What have we done wrong? Why are you punishing us?

Zilard: Oh Higore! you don't deserve this at all. You have been always very loyal to me and have been a good believer. You want to know why is your country suffering, don't you? Well, why don't you take a look around the temple and then tell me what is missing?

The king takes a look around the temple very confused.

King: (surprised and nervous) The calyster!

Zilard: Exactly! The only thing I asked you to keep safe has disappeared, that's why your country is suffering the consequences, Higore.

King: But who has it? Where is it? What can I do to return it back in here?

Zilard: That's not my problem Higore. I'm The God of gods so you don't have the right to question me. Gods are too high from the humans level so I can't answer any questions but I can give you an advise; go to the tower of Narztaken to find Osten Norem the magician and ask him everything you need to do to solve this problem and bring the calyster back to me.

The king goes out of the temple and very quickly calls his servants to take him to the tower of Narztaken which is the place where the magician Osten Norem lives.

King: Brandom, Kerken and Torton quickly take me to the tower of Narztaken.

His servants take him to the tower of Narztaken. Tow hours later, he reaches there and goes quickly to the top of the tower to find Osten Norem. He finds the old magician.

King: Oh Osten! I need your help please! I'm so desperate my dear friend. I don't know what to do. The calyster has disappeared so my country is on a big trouble. I don't know where it is and I need to find it as soon as possible. Please, help me to find out where it is and how to take it back to the temple of Val-Takar.

Osten Norem: (very surprised) All right my lord, don't worry, just give me a second to concentrate and I'll answer all your questions my good friend.

2 minutes later...

Osten Norem: I'm having a vision! mmm....Sir Machakalister!

King: (confused) Sir Machakalister? what about him?

Osten Norem: He has the calyster. He stole it last night while everyone was sleeping.

King: But why does he want the Calyster for?

Osten Norem: You know how powerful is the calyster. You know it has all of the most amazing powers and that you can get
whatever you want with it in your hands. You also know that the white part of the calyster is for making good acts and that the blackish grey part is for destroying everything and do all of the most evil things ever seen. Well, do you remember what happened a long time ago with Sir Machkalister? He tried to kill you and take your place but you defeated him and put it in prison. Don't you remember that a few months later he escaped from it and nobody knew anything about him? Well, he has been hiding all this time and planning how to take revenge not just with you, now he wants to rule all Jachkastamon. That's why he has made a pact with Marquker, the god of war. Marquker wants to get rid of Zilard and become the God of gods. So in conclusion, they have joined together to reach all their objectives. The thing is that in three days there will be full moon. In that night, Sir Machkalister will put the dark part of the calyster in direction to the moon and the process will be produced.

King: (frightened) what, what process are you talking about? hum...What do you mean by "a process"?

Osten Norem: Shh! Don't interrupt and led me finish. One time the calyster has been put in direction to the full moon, a splendid light will be produced. This light is a extremely strong and powerful connection between Marquker and the calyster's powers. It means that all the power from the calyster will be transmitted to him so he will disappear the Zilard, will kill all the royalty including you, and will take power of all the Limbus which is where all the gods live. And, finally, he will make Sir Machkalister the governor of Jachkastamon.

King: (more frightened and desperate) Oh my god, that's unbelievable! What am I going to do now?

Osten Norem: What do you think you can do in this case? How can you solve this very difficult problem? Stop being so hot-headed! Calm down and think who are the best warriors of all Jachkastamon?

King: (thoughtful) Mmm...Armund and Ira Stofler! Of course, why didn't I think about them before? I will go right now to Val-Takar to my castle and will send them a message. Thank you Osten my dear friend, I knew I could trust you. Good bye.

The king goes quickly to Val-Takar. He reaches the castle and sends a message to Armund and Ira Stofler asking them for help. They should find the calyster and defeat Sir Machkalister. A few hours later at Narztaken, Armund and Ira received the message.

Ira: What's that Armund?

Armund: It is a letter from the king Sir Higore Manus.

Ira: (surprised) A letter from the king? what does it say?

Armund: It says "Dear Armund and Ira Stofler: I need your help. The calyster has been stolen by Sir Machkalister and all Jachkastamon is suffering the punishments from the Zilard because of that. I can imagine that the diseases haven't reach Narztaken yet but if we don't do something as soon as possible, the diseases will not just reach Narztaken, they will take possession of all Jachkastamon and too much people will die. We need you both to defeat Sir Machkalister and to find the calyster to take it back to the temple so everything will be back to normal again. Please don't reject this favor. When you both decide what to do, you will have to come to the castle very quickly so I can give you the instructions, the map, the food to survive the trip and some possions to keep you safe from the diseases and other possions in case you need any magical power to defeat Sir Machkalister or any other beasts. I will wait for your answer and the doors of the castle will be always open for you. I hope you understand. See you. Sincerely, The King Sir Higor Manus".

Ira: (surprised) Hum...Are we going to accept?

Armund: (a little hot-headed) Are you crazy? Of course not.

Ira: But the people need us!

Armund: And what about the promise of honor that we made 3 years ago eh? When we were fighting in a battle with our father and he died, that day we promised not to fight again because if we die then our mother and sisters are going to be alone and unprotected. Don't you remember that? Well, I'm sorry but I'm not going to break that promise. If you want to do it, I'm afraid you will have to do it alone brother.

Armund and Ira couldn't give an answer to the king. The king kept on sending messages to them but there was no answer.
Weeks later, Armund's mother dies because of the virus so they decide to fight and, finally, find the calyster to save their sisters and, also, all the population by the way. So they take their horses and go to Val-Takar to announce the king that they were going to fight and to return the calyster back to the temple. The king receives them very happily. He makes a special dinner for them and to tell them, by the way, what they have to do and how.
When everybody is at the table, the king realizes that the queen isn't there with them.

King: Torton go and look for the queen and tell her to come here to eat with us.

Torton (servant): But my lord we have been looking for the queen all around the castle for hours and she isn't here.

King: That's impossible! Oh my god you are so useless! I'd better go and bring her here by myself. Excuse me, I will be right back in a second.

The king goes to his room and he finds a letter on the bed. He opens it and reads it. The letter is from Sir Machkalister. It says that he has the queen and if anyone tries to interfere with his plans he will kill her. The king goes quickly to the dining room, he is very shocked.

King: (shouting) Oh my god! Sir Machkalister has kidnapped my wife! He says that if we try to interfere with his plans he will kill her. What are we going to do now?

Armund: (he stands up) Excuse me for what I'm going to say my Lord but we have no other choice but to go for it.

The prince( Freud): He is right father, we will have to take the risk and try to return my mother and the calyster back at the same time. I will go with them.

The prince's Fiancé (Martineu): But Freud!

Prince: Marineu, please understand that my mother is in danger and also Jachakastamon's future. I have no option dear.

Martineu: I'll go with you.

Prince: (very worried) But you can't sweety. This is too dangerous and you can get hurt.

Matineu: (very decided) I don't care Freud. Look I love you and I'm not going to led you go without me because once I promised you that I will always give you lots of support and will be with you at good and bad times. Besides I know how to manage a sword and how to fight. Don't you remember that I am the one who though you how to fight dear?

Prince: (embarrassed) Hum...all right, all right you will come with us but please shut up sweety ok?

Martineu: (satisfied and happy)Ok!

Suddenly Armund's best friend called Vivita Pelenia appears at the castle.

Vivita: Armund, why have you come here without me?

Armund: (surprised) Vivita?! what are you doing here?

Vivita: What am I doing here? I came because I'm going to go with you to find the calyster, of course.

Armund: What? No Vivita, you are not coming with us, it is not safe. Besides, how were you informed that I am going to go for the calyster?

Vivita: Because everyone in Narztaken is talking about that. We are all worried about you. How could you go without me?

Armund: Because I wanted to protect you Vivita, you are my best friend and I don't want you to get hurt.

Vivita: Well, I don't care. I'm going with you no matter what and nobody will stop me. Is it clear?

Armund: (resigned) All right, you have always been so stubborn that I'm not going to spend time on convincing you. It is impossible. Oh my god! Women!

A few minutes later Osten Norem sends the possions to the castle. As soon as they receive the possions , the map and the food, they leave the castle and get ready to start the trip.

At 8 o'clock Armund, Ira, the prince, Martineu and Vivita start the trip. It was a very cold night and the silence was absolute. Everything seems to be calmed and in peace so they decide to rest until 6 o'clock in the morning. One hour later, Vivita wakes up and starts to cough too much so Armund wakes up takes Vivita's bag, takes the possion and gives it to her. She drinks it and the effect is suppossed to react at the moment but it doesn't. Vivita has had the virus for a long time, even before the trip, so she lies on the floor. She couldn't say a word and dies in peace smilling at Armund. He didn't say a word. He just holds her and starts to cry.

Armund: Oh Vivita. Why has this happened to you my dear friend? You don't deserve it.

Ira wakes up.

Ira: (Very surprised and confused) What has happened Armund? Why are you holding Vivita and crying?

Armund: (Too sad) She is dead.

Ira: What? Why? How?

Armund: She had had the virus for a long time ago. The possion couldn't cure her because of that.

Ira and Armund put a bend all over her dead body and they pray to the Zilard asking him to take care of her and to led her soul to go into the Limbus with the good ones.

Ira: Let's sleep.

Armund: (Crying) I can't, I am too sad.

Ira: Me too brother but if we don't sleep, tomorrow we will not be strong enough to fight and walk a lot. Listen, don't you think that Vivita would ask you to do it?

Armund: She would have asked me to rest, and to go and fight to bring the Calyster back to Val-Takar's temple.

Ira: Exactly.

Armund: Well, I'm going to do it because of her. I swear by the Zilard that I will find the Calyster and take it back to the temple on her name.

Ira: That's great brother, in order to do so we have to rest. So right now we will try to calm down and go to sleep, all right?

Armund: (Resignes) All right.

They are sleeping and, suddenly, a strange noise is heard. Armund is very surprised and a little frightened but he decides to go and look what is causing that noise that comes from behind a big rock. He takes a look around it and he begins to get closer and closer to it. Then he sees a hole. And inside it, he sees two very big and horrible red eyes so he steps back a little bit. He takes out his sword to attack the beast but at the same time the beast jumps out of the hole. Everyone laughs; the "big beast" is a little and skinny thing. He throws out blue fire by his mouth. The beast starts to jump all around the place trying to scare them so Armund takes him like a doll and puts him on the floor with the sword pointing to his neck.

Armund: Who are you? And why are you attacking us?

The little beast: (stuttering) Oh, oh, oh! I'm I'm sorry Sir. I was just trying to protect my place, nothing more than that. I swear by Zilard, the God of gods. (Begging) Please don't kill me sir, please! I will do whatever you want but please don't kill me. (nervous, shouting) Oh my god, oh my god. I want my mummy! I want my mummy! (disappointed) Oh but I have no mummy!

Armund: Tell me, what's you name? Where do you come from? Has someone sent you here?

The little beast: My name is Colonne. I come from the Eveterex, most known as The dark forest. Nobody has sent me here. (very sad) I live alone. I have no family, they were killed by Mundus who is the biggest and most powerful beast in all Jachkastamon, he lives in the Eveterex. I have no friends because people are afraid of me because I'm too ugly and I throw out blue fire by my mouth. The worst thing of all is that I can't control my power so sometimes and accidently, I hurt people. It is horrible. I have no love, I have no company. I haven't got anything but me. I live afraid of everything and everyone. That's why I get over excited when somebody is near my place because this is the only place where I am safe and comfortable. This little hole under the rock is my home. That's all I've got.

Everybody felt very touched and sad for Colonne.

Martineu: Oh my god! Poor little beast.

Armund doesn't know what to do. He isn't sure about trusting Colonne or not. He is very confused.

Armund: Well, Colonne, look, I'll make you an offer. I will forgive you and will not kill you if you help us to find the Calyster which has been stolen by Sir Machkalister, all right?

Colonne: (happy) Oh yes, yes. Of course I will go with you. Does that mean I got new friends? Does that mean I am going to have a family for the first time in all my life?

Armund: (Happy but skeptical) Mmm...well, that means that you will be part of our team so you will work for us and do whatever we order you. You have to be loyal to us and to help us if we are in trouble as we will do with you. After that we will see if you can be our friend. Deal?

Colonne: (Excited) Deal!

Martineu gives some food to Colonne and then they go back to sleep again. A few hours later, 10 o 'clock, Ira listens some noises and opens one eye and sees that two people are stealing their food. He wakes Armund up but led Freud and Martineu to keep on sleeping. So they, desperately, take their swords out very quickly. The two thieves start to run away with all their food so Ira and Armund run after them. Finally, they reach them so they begin to fight. Ira cuts one of the thieves' arm a bit and Colonne throws a ball of fire out from his mouth and, accidently, hits the other thief. So Ira and Armund take advantage of that, take them by surprise, put them on the floor and point their swords in direction to their necks.

Ira: (Very angry) Who are you? (looks at Armund) Armund let's kill them.

Armund: (Very angry too but calmed) Wait a second, aren't you Rundolf and Lurica, the most audicious and quick thieves of all Jachkastamon?

Rundolf: That's me.

Lurica: And me.

Ira and Armund put their swords back into their bags. Rundolf is Lurica's brother. They come from Narztaken, their father had been the best thief of all until last year that he died of tuberculosis, by then they became the best thieves in all Jachkastamon. Rundolf has been Ira's best friend for years and Lurica was Armund's girlfriend 1 year ago, and still the love of his life.

Ira: (Surprised and happy) Oh my god! Rundolf, my good friend, I can't belive it. How are you?

Rundolf: (Happy but hurt) Well, right now I feel like a fried chicken. Can you help me with this injury that the little monster had done to me?

Colonne: (Remorseful) Sorry!

Armund: (Surprised and happy)Oh my god Lurica, my love, I've been missing you so much. How are you?

Lurica: (In an ironic way) My dear Armund. How am I? I'm bleeding you idiot! Do you think you can come here and very gently help me, please?

Armund: Oh, of course. Sorry.

Armund takes out some bandages and possions to cure Lurica's arm while she keeps on talking.

Lurica: Oh don't worry, honey. (Flirting) I know how slow you are to catch the messages, if you know what I mean.

They both look at each other while they smile and their eyes set on fire.

Armund: (Smiling) Lurica...


Lurica: (over excited)Ouch! Look at what you are doing you idiot! you are hurting me! Oh my god!

Armund: All right, all right. I'm sorry, ok?

With Lurica's reaction Martineu and Freud wake up.

Martineu and Freud: (Very surprised) What is going on here?

Ira: Oh, Martineu, Freud, let me introduce you...

Rundolf gets very surprised and amuzed by Martineu's beauty so he interrupts Ira.

Rundolf: Excuse me,(he takes Martineu's hand)I am Rundolf Cabisnetti, the best negotiator in all Jachkastamon.

Everybody laughed.

Ira: (laughing) Yes, of course, the best of all.

Martineu: (Confused) Hum...I'm sorry but what are you people laughing about?

Lurica: (pointing Rundolf) Oh sweety, because this man is a fond of women and the best thief of all. Yeah! That's my brother.

Freud: (Angry) Leave my Fiancé you disgreatful thief.

Rundolf feels offended of what Freud has said to him.

Rundolf: (Over reacting) What have you said to me, you effeminate little princess? Why don't you come here and repeat that in front me face huh?

Freud takes out his sword.

Freud: (Furious)I'm the prince so you don't have the right of talking to me like that, you filthy rat!

Rundolf, also, takes out his sword. They are going to fight.

Marineu: (Nervous and desperate) Oh my god they are going to kill each other!

Lurica: (Calmed and making fun) Oh don't worry dear, they are just playing. The worst thing that can happen is that someone get hurt but they are men, believe me, they deserve that. Besides, I bet that in 3 seconds my dear Armund is going to do something.

Three seconds later...

Armund: Hey! stop it! stop it!

Lurica: (looking to Martineu) What have I told you! I should bet some money next time, ja!

Armund catches the prince and Ira catches Rundolf.

Armund: (Tired and angry) I said STOP! My god, how difficult can that be to understand? Now, both of you are going to pay attention of what I'm going to say right now. We are here just to find the Calyster not for losing any more time all right? If you don't remember we just have 2 days to find it and to safe the queen. We need to be all together to do this so please, stop fighting like children and let's continue with the trip. There's not enough time to rest. Was I clear enough?

Rundolf and Lurica: (surprised and confused): the calyster? What?

Rundolf: What has happened to the Calyster?

Ira: Sir Machkalister has stolen it because he made a pact with Marquker.

Rundolf: Wow! sorry but I'm out.

Lurica: Are you crazy? We have to help them. Oh no, oh no, don't tell me...

Rundolf: (confused)What? What?

Lurica: You are afraid! you are a chiken, a complete coward! If not why don't you want to go eh?

Rundolf: Of course I'm not a coward, it is just that..(he doesn't know what to say)hum, I don't want to, that's all.

Ira: Oh come on Rundolf, help us just for the old good times my friend.

Rundolf: (resigned)All right, all right. I will go with you.

Everybody (satisfied): Yeah men!! (they laughed).

They continue the trip so while they are walking Armund decides to check the map but when he is looking for the map in his bag, he realizes there's no map.

Armund: (desperate and nervous)Oh my god!

Lurica: what happened now?

Armund: The map isn't in my bag! Can everyone check their bags, please?

Everybody checks their bags but they don't find it.

Everybody(desesperated): No, I haven't got it. What are we going to do now? How are we going to find the cave where Sir Machkalister is?

Colonne: I know a way to reach it but it is very dangerous because we will have to pass through the Eveterex where Mundus lives.

Armund: We have no other options. Let's go.

They continue with the trip. Finally, the second day, they reach the Eveterex. They have to go faster because time has been passig too quickly. They enter The dark forest very quietly but, suddenly, Martinue stumbles with a big root and because of the noise, Mundus wakes up and starts to shout very furious.

Colonne: Run quicklier! If he catches us we are automaticaly dead!

Everybody start to run but Mundus steps are much longer and bigger than theirs. So he reaches them. Everybody take out their swords. Anybody know what to do so Armund runs very quickly in direction to Mundus and sticks his sword in Mundus leg. Mundus Shouts very loud and kicks him. Armund flies and falls. His head hits a big stone so he gets dizzy and can't keep on fighting. Colonne is jumping everywhere and shouting while the fire is going out from his mouth.

Colonne: (Extremly afraid) Oh my god! Oh my god! I want my mummy, I want my mummy!

Lurica: (Very angry and shouting) Shut up.

She turns to the other side and sees Armund is dizzy lying on the floor and that Mundus is near to step on him.

Lurica: (Shouting) Armuuuund!!

She is running to safe him but Rundolf catches her very strong and doesn't let her go.

Lurica: (crying of desperation and sadness) What are you doing? Set me free! I've got to safe him.

Rundolf: No. I'm not going to set you free. I'm sorry but I love you so much and you are the only one I've got by my side.

Lurica: (shouting) Iraa! Help Armund!

Ira is fighting against other little monsters from the dark forest. When he listens to Lurica, he runs in direction to Armund and pushes him. By that way he saves him but he doesn't have enough time to escape, so Mundus steps on him and kills him. So, Freud takes a stick from his bag and a stone, and throws the stone in direction to Mundus head. The stone hits so hard that Mundus head breaks. A few seconds later, Armund reacts and sees that Mundus is dead.

Armund: (Happy and, finally, relaxed) Yahoo! Well done Prince! That's how men fight! yeah!

Lurica runs in direction to Ira and he reaches him.

Lurica: (crying and shouting) Oh my god! Armuund! He is dead. He is dead. Oh no!

Armund: (Surprised and confused) Who?

He goes there and sees Ira.

Armund: (hurt, sorrowfully and crying) Ira? Oh my god! (shouting) Nooo!!

He lies on his knees, holds him strongly and kisses him. Lurica holds Armund to console him. Suddenly, she stands up, goes running to Rundolf and takes him by the neck.

Lurica: (Furious and shouting)This is you fault! This is you fault. If you would let me go and save Armund, nothing like that would ever happen. I hate you.

Armund goes and takes Lurica's hands off Rundolf's neck.

Armund: It is not his fault. It is my fault. If I wouldn't fall and get dizzy he wouldn't have to save me so he wouldn't be dead.

Freud: Oh come on! It is nobody's fault. It was an accident, those things happen in a big and dangerous fight. I feel sorry for Ira as you do too but we can't do anything, we will have to continue the trip as soon as possible if we want no more people to die. Can we?

Martinue: (talks to Freud) Honey, give them a bit of time to swallow the pain. Don't be so rude.

Armund: All right, there's no time, let's go.

Colonne: And what are you going to do with his body? Can I eat it?

Everybody: What?!

Colonne: Sorry, but it seems to be so delicious. I'm a good beast, I don't kill anybody. I just eat bodies when they are already dead. Mmm.

Armund: That's disgusting. Obviously you are not going to eat my brother's dead body but we can't bring it with us. I think we have no choice than to leave him here.

There is one missing and everybody is sad but they have to continue. There isn't any other chance. The road to go out of the Eveterex is long. It is dark, they have been walking since 6 o'clock in the morning and they still don't reach the exit. they are walking and suddenly a big silver unicorn with a horn in his front and with wings steps furiously in front of them. Everybody, except Colonne, are frightened. The unicorn starts to attack them so they take out their swords and start to defend themselves. Martinue climbs on the unicorn's back so he feels desperate and starts to fly very fast and high. He is flying so fast that when he turn the other way, Martinue falls from his back to the floor and dies. The unicorn comes down to the ground. Freud sees at Martinue and goes quickly to her.

Freud: (desperate and extremely sad) Martineu? Oh my god, she is dead, she is dead. Nooo!!

He looks at the unicorn, takes his sword and runs in direction to him.

Freud: (Too furious and shouting) You unfortunate beast, I'm going to kill you!

He is very close to kill the beast but when he gets nearer, the unicorn jumps and kicks him so he falls so hard that he gets unconscious. When Armund sees what is happening he hids behind the unicorn, climbs on him and cuts his leg so deep that the unicorn falls. The injury is so painful that he can hardly move. The beast starts to cry silver tears. Armund feels regretful so he takes his possion to survive from the diseases and puts it all in the unicorn's injury because if not the virus was going to kill him.

Lurica: (Confused) What are you doing Armund? Why are you helping that beast? Are you crazy? He has killed Martinue and has left Freud unconscious.

Rundolf: Yes Armund, he is dangerous, he deserves to die.

Armund: Nobody deserves to die. The Zilard is the only one who has the right to create and to kill.

Colonne: Besides, he is not a dangerous and bad beast.

Lurica: What are you talking about? Haven't you see what he has done to Martineu and to the Prince?

Colonne: Yes, but he didn't mean to do it. He is a white beast. His name is Golvenor, he is immortal. The Zilard has given that benefit as a gift because he is a good beast. He had served Sir Higor for 3 years ago. The problem is that he helped Sir Machkalister when he was planning to kill the King by taking him to everywhere he wanted, not because he is bad, he did it because Sir Machkalister cheated on him by telling him that he was helping the king to plan a better way to govern Jachkastamon.

Armund: How do you know all of that?

Colonne: I Know it because I can read the beasts minds. That's why I know everything about all the beasts of Jachkastamon. He saved me from Mundus when he was killing my family.He threw red fire, which is more powerful than blue fire, from his mouth then put me into his back and took me away from Mundus. If it wasn't for him now I would be dead.

Armund: Hey! Wait a minute. All right, so you are saying that this white beast is kind, he flies fast and throws a very powerful fire from his mouth. And you can read his mind. Ok, I will make a deal with him and you will tell me everytihng that he says, ok?

Colonne: He says that he has no problem.

Armund: Golvenor, though you have hurt us too much, I want to make you an offer. Remember that you own me your life since I gave you my possion. So if you take us to the hiding place where Sir Machkalister is, I will forgive you and I will not kill you, all right?

Colonne: He says that he has no problem and that he will do the best he can. Oh! he also says that the trip is going to be very fast because he knows where Sir Machkalister is.

Armund: Great! That's perfect. Let's not lose more time and go right there.

Lurica: And what are we going to do with the prince?

Armund: Let's take him with us. He is still alive and Golvenor is so big that there's enough space on his back for everyone. Isn't it my friend?

Golvenor moves his head like saying Yes.

Colonne: He says yes.

Everybody climbs Golvenor and rides him. Golvenor starts to fly too fast, so fast that he reaches Val-Takar's cave in one hour, and normally the trip takes 4 hours and a half. He, finally, lands. Everybody was going to go down but they see that there 2 very big dragons with three heads above the cave. It seems to be imposible to defeat them. They don't know what to do. They are freezed and very shocked. Golvenor starts to do a very misterious and strange noise. He steps back a lot and, suddenly, he throws a extremely big ball of fire in direction to the cave. So that he burns them like if they were wood. Now, the way is free so they can go down of Golvenor's back.

Armund: Golvenor please stay right here and watch out if anybody comes to warn us, ok?

Colonne: He says..

Lurica interrupts Colonne.

Lurica: Ah! Stop it! We are not a group of fools. We clearly understand when the beast says yes or no because he moves his head.

Colonne: (confused) Ok.

Golvenor stays out watching if anyone comes, while the others come inside the cave. It is too dark inside the cave so Armund lights a candle but still with the light from the candle, they can hardly see. They are walking and, then, they start to listen like if some little stones were falling or something like that. One second later, they see that a lot of brilliant and enormous eyes are coming to them. Then, they realize they were in a spider nest. Everybody took out their swords while Lurica is taking care of Freud's body and Armund is looking in his bag from some possions to kill them. Colonne starts to jump all around the place while he is shouting and, accidently, throwing fire and, by the way, killing the spiders. Rundolf begins to kill some spiders too but he doesn't notice that an enormous spider is behind him and very close to bite him.

Lurica: (Afraid and shouting) Iraaa! watch out behind you!

Rundolf turns and sees that the spider is too close to him.

Rundolf: (Extremely afraid and shouting) Oh my goood!! Armund!! Throw the possion right now, please, I am too young and beautiful to die!

Armund finds the possions and quickly throws them all around the place. In just one second, instantaneously, the spiders die. The continue on walking. Suddenly, they see that very far away there was a light.

Lurica: (Surprised) Armund, Rundolf; look at that.

Rundolf: A light, let's go there.

Armund: Wait a second, what if it is a trap? We can't see what's in there.

Lurica: Wait, I can hardly see what's in there. It is a door.

Rundolf: Let's go. Even if it is a trap or not, we have to take the risks.

They walk guided by the light. It is very far away. Finally, they reach it.

Armund: Are you ready?

Rundolf: (Afraid) No, but open it quickly before I regret.

Lurica: (Excited) Yes, come on, open it but quickly that this man is too heavy.

Armund opens the door and as soon as he opens it, everybody take out their swords. Then, they see the Calyster right there, in the middle of the room. It is inside a box made up of glass.

Armund: (Excited) There it is.

Rundolf: (Very surprised) Oh, it is so beautiful.

Lurica: (Also surprised and amussed) It is just so perfect.

Armund: Listen, I will go in first to see if there's a trap or something, ok?

Rundolf: I have no problem.

Lurica: Are you mad? I will not led you go alone.

Armund: Listen my love, I will see if there's a trap or something I will call you immediately, ok?

Lurica: (Resigned) All right.

Armund goes in but when he is crossing the door he feels drops on his face. He looks up and he sees that the queen is hanged, completely dead. Watch up there.

Armund: (Very shocked) Come in! right now.

They both watch up and see the queen.

Rundolf and Lurica: (Very shocked) Oh my god, the queen!

Rundolf: (Worried) What are we going to do now?

Armund: We have to go on, catch the Calyster and go home. Nothing we can do.

Lurica puts Freud in a corner and goes in direction to the Calyster.

Armund: All right Lurica, it is your turn. You are the best taking things, which are under a lot of security, without making any noise.

Rundolf: Hey! And what about me?

Armund: You are, also, very audicious but remember that women are more delicate.

Rundolf: Mmm...Ok.

Lurica is going to open the box but she sees a little worm at the top of the box.

Lurica: Hey, look at this tiny little worm, isn't it beautiful.

Rundolf: It is disgusting.

Armund: Don't touch it. It can be poissoned or something, just concentrate on opening the box and taking the Calyster off it.

Colonne hids quietly behind a rock. Then, Lurica doesn't do, exactly, what Armund told her. She catches the worm and put it on her hand. As soon as she does that, the worm turns into an enormous snake. It is a kind of guard who takes care of the Calyster and, at the same time, an alarm also that informs Sir Machkalister if someone is there trying to steal it. Lurica shouts and runs quickly to hid from it but the snake catches her and it her. Armund and Rundolf got furious, and Colonne gots extremly frightened so he starts to jump everywhere and to shout and throw fire again.

Armund: Rundolf, Colonne, please distract the beast while I'm looking for the possions we need in this case, inside my bag.

Rundolf and Colonne: All right.

Rundolf takes his sword and tries to defeat the beast but he can't so he starts to provoke the big snake to make him go away from where Armund is. Colonne is, also, distracting the beast by throwing fire to his eyes. Finally, Armund finds the possion. He drinks it and, in a second, he becomes an enormous giant. He was three times bigger than the snake. So he takes the snake, strangles him and, finally, cuts him into tow and takes Lurica out of the beast's stomach. Then he takes a pild and becomes back to normal again.

Colonne: (Looking at Lurica) Is she dead? Can I eat her?

Rundolf : (Over excited and angry) what? (shouting) I'm going to kill you.

Armund: Hey, stop. We don't have time for that. (happily) Besides, she is alive.

Suddenly, while they are talking, Sir Machkalister appears from no where.

Sir Machkalister: (Making fun) Well, well, well, look what we have got here, Armund Stofler, Rundolf Cabisnetti and Colonne the stupid beast from the Eveterex. You have killed my snake and have made my cave a disaster. I told you not to interfere on my plans, now you will die, no matter what.

Armund: (laughing and making fun, also)Oh, do you really think that is going to happen? What an idiot! You are just so pathetic but do you want to fight? ok, let's do it right now, just you and me.

Rundolf: (Worried) But Armund...

Armund interrupts Rundolf.

Armund: I have already spoken, you go and take care of Lurica and Freud while I get rid of this stinky rat.

Rundolf follows Armund's intructions and goes to take care of Lurica and Freud.

Sir Machkalister: Oh my dear Armund, you are so pathetic. Do you want to die? All right, let's fight.

Armund and Sir Machkalister take out their swords and the fight begins. They are fighting, everything is going well, Armund is wining but, suddenly, Sir Machkalister hurts Armund's leg. So Armund falls, Sir Machkalister takes his sword and throws it very far away from Armund's hands and puts his sword pointing at Armund's neck.

Sir Machkalister: I warned you all but you didn't follow my instructions. Now, the time had come. In a few minutes there will be full moon, the Calyster will react so everything will change and I'll finally, get what I deserve. I will kill all the royalty and will govern all Jackastamon. You are, already, a dead man Armund Stofler. Do you want to say your last word before you die?

Armund: Go to hell rat.

Sir Machkalister: (making fun)That's not the way you should talk to the king while he is pointing at you with a sword Armund.

Armund: You are not the king. You will never be the king.

Sir Machkalister: We will see that.

Sir Machkalister is too close to kill Armund but, suddenly, Freud wakes up, takes his sword, very quietly goes behind Sir Machkalister and, furiously, cuts his head and saves Armund.

Armund: Oh Freud, thanks my dear friend. Are you all right already?

Freud: Yes, I'm perfectly ok. Are you all right?

Armund: Oh yes, I just have got an injury on my right leg but it is nothing serious.

Lurica wakes up.

Lurica: Nothing serious? I think you need a woman to take care of you my love.

Armund, Rundolf, Colonne and Freud: Lurica! You are alive! Yahoo!

Armund gets excited so he runs to Lurica, holds her in his arms and they kissed each other.

The prince takes the Calyster.

Freud: (Happily) Hey! Look what I've got.

Everybody laughed. They are so glad that they, finally they have found the Calyster and that, now, Jackastamon is going to live in peace again.

Armund: We'd better go back to Val-Takar's castle and put this glorious pearl where it should be, at the temple.

Colonne: And me? what about me? Will I be alone again?

Freud: Of course not my loyal friend, you will live in the castle and will part part of my family.

Colonne: (Smiling) Yeah! Colonne is, finally, going to be happy.

They all go out of the cave, climb on Golvenor's back and go as quickly as possible to the castle. They reach the castle. Everyone welcomes them very happy. The king cries of happiness.

The King: Oh my god, you are here. I was so worried. My dear son, how are you?

The Prince: Hello father, I'm perfectly well father.

The King: My dear Armund, how are you my friend?

Armund: I'm all right my Lord, thank you for asking.

Valentines goes downstairs and she sees that they have arrived. So she gets very excited and runs quickly to his brother.

Valentines: Freud! How are you my dear brother? Oh I missed so much! It's been so hard to sleep all these days while you haven't been here. Oh my god, I can't believe it. Did you find the Calyster?

Armund: Of course. Here it is.

The Kind: Oh god bless you all. Let's go quickly to the temple.

They go very fast to the temple. They go in and put the Calyster there, how safe. Then they go back to the castle and make a party to celebrate that Jackastamon has been saved and that everything is going to come back to normal again. While they are eating the king looks at Rundolf, Lurica and Colonne, very surprised and confused.

The King: Excuse me but Armund, who are those people?

Armund: Oh, I'm sorry my Lord, I am so excited that I forgot to introduce my friends to you. (He points at Rundolf) He is Rundolf Casbinetti, a friend of mine since I was a child. (Then he points at Lurica) She is Lurica Casbinetti, she is my Fiancé. And, last but not least, our good and loyal friend Colonne. He has been very helpful with us.

Freud: Yes father, and, now, he will live with us. And I don't accept a no as an answer huh? (he laughs)

King: All right, well, hello to everybody. Now that I met you all, let's continue with the party. Yahoo!

Everybody is laughing, eating and dancing. Some hours later, they are so tired that they go to sleep. The next day, at 6 in the morning, the bells of the central church start to ring. Everybody wakes up and very quickly gets dressed and goes out of the castle to see the good changes in the country. There is a problem, there are no changes. Everybody got desperate, they don't know what to do.

The King: (Confused) What is happening? Why hasn't anything changed?

Armund, Rundolf, Lurica and Freud: (Confused and disappointed) Oh my god! Oh no!

Prince: I don't know why everything is the same as before but, hey, let's go to the temple and ask the Zilard.

They go to the temple and lie on their knees.

King: Oh Zilard, God of gods. Why hasn't anything changed? We have brought you the Calyster, that's what you wanted. So, what is happening? Why are we suffering?

Zilard: As I have told you before my dear Higore, I'm the God so I don't answer any questions. Call Osten Norem and ask him all of that.

Armund: Wait a second, I know how to call him without going to Narztaken's tower. Look, (he speaks in a strange language that just magicians know) Osten Norem ibergun raiden tunor.

Suddenly, Osten Norem appears from no where.

Osten Norem: Oh hello to everybody. Am I good for anything?

King: (Desesperate) Osten, my dear friend, I need your help. I don't know what to do. The Calyster is here right back to the temple but nothing has changed. Why?

Osten Norem: Let me see.

He looks at the Calyster and goes closer to it. He lies on his knees,

Osten Norem: Oh Zilard, God of gods, would you allow me to touch the precious Calyster?

Zilard: Sure, go on.

Osten Norem takes the Calyster and starts to look at it very slowly and concentrated. Then, suddenly he looks frightened and confused.

Everybody: (Nervous) What? What's wrong? What happens?

Osten Norem: (afraid and sad) This isn't the Calyster, this is an imitation.

Texto agregado el 30-05-2007, y leído por 119 visitantes. (1 voto)

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