Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / AnaLuna / Perfect Day


nothing ever lasts they say
but whatever had an end
must've had a start

and what a start, baby
the day i thought, maybe...
what a day
the day i saw your face

youve always blown me away,
from that first day, i know baby,
you are far from perfect
youre not perfect (not perfect at all)

but you smell so good,
you taste so good
who says you're not perfect?

and so fun, so smart, so funny baby
so good the day i thought maybe
you captivated me

youve always blown me away
but today,
those eyes and that shirt
they look so good on you babe
that blue and that gray
make me believe life is great

cuz today i love you even if youre imperfect
even if you call me crazy
cuz it has never mattered what they say
and i just love your way today

whatever happens tomorrow i dont care
im just seizing this moment, this day
the way you are, the things you say
ive just lived for today

Texto agregado el 29-05-2007, y leído por 167 visitantes. (0 votos)

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