Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / AnaLuna / My New Favorite
You are my new favorite color,
You are my new favorite;
Just like the blue curazao my tongue has being craving.
You should know my heart's being aching;
Cause before you,
Before you I've being through everything.
And now I'm through;
But not with you.
You captivate me.
You renovate me.
Always so unexpected.
You make my life better.
You brighten my face,
My day.
I can't get enough of you.
Of you I can't get enough.
I just can't get enough.
Cause I loose myself in your eyes,
Cause I loose myself in you.
I want to feel you.
You make me want to feel you;
What are you made of?
I want to taste you.
What are you made of?
I want to know.
I want to feel you inside.
I want your heart to be mine;
Be mine.
You captivate me.
You renovate me.
Always so unexpected;
Make my life better,
Brighten my face,
Brighten my day.
Be mine;
Be mine today.
Texto agregado el 29-05-2007, y leído por 170
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