Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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He says: ''Nena, trankilita, it always gets better...''
but always better seems to be a never.
"...and patience my dear", he says;
I just want to go away.

Go away and let go,
I have no emotions to show
and I'm tired of feeling like shit...

oh, life is steep like a cliff and it hurts.

My foundation's about to give in
and I'm about to go into sleep;
steady isn't something I know.

And when life's just a concept,
stability's something unknown;
just like peace,
something too sacred to keep...

(and) you know I hate greed.

''Nena you know the truth'',
hits the nail with despair;
monosyllabic words and asphyxia in the air.

I want to go away,
go away and let go;
tired of emotions, tired of the show.

Life's a trial and I'm sick;
been wanting to sleep for more than a year.
Still want to go,
want to kiss the moonboy who's really of silver sun.

But, so tired of drifting away;
so tired of feeling no shame.
I'm tired of feeling, thats all;
tired of feeling at all.

I have no place,
nothing real;
only feelings entangled in me.

And I can't find the end to this thing,
can't find where anxiety appears.
Can't find nothing, I don't have a thing;
I'm tired of verbs who give in.

Texto agregado el 29-05-2007, y leído por 179 visitantes. (0 votos)

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