Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / AnahiWibke / Preámbulo a las instrucciones.....(Preamble to the instructions to wind up a watch)-Julio Cortázar-


When people give you " a watch" as a present, they give you a little flowering hell, a chain of roses, a dungeon full of air. They dont just give you a watch and "Happy Birthday", they hope it last because it´s a " good brand", "from Switzerland", " with rubies"- they dont just give you that small-noisy-metallic and portable timepiece that you will strap to your wrist and take it for a walk. They give you (they dont know, the terrible thing is that they dont know) they give you a new fragil and precarious piece of yourself, something that is yours -BUT is not your body- that you have to strap to your body with a little mini-belt like a desperate little arm hanging from your wrist . They give you the need to wind it up so it keeps being a watch. They give you the new obsession of paying attention to the time at the watches in the jewellry shop windows, on the radio advertisments, on the phone services They give you the fear of loosing it, of it being stolen or droping it and braking it. They give you the brand and the warranty that is better than the other ones and the need to compare yours with others. They dont give you a watch, you are given as a present for the "watch birthday".

Texto agregado el 07-03-2004, y leído por 242 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
27-11-2004 I love this text, but I think that you must tell us who is the writter. ;), soy fatal en inglés burbuja
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