Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / VampireHeart / MIDNIGHT


Night in my eyes,
the final trial is near,
the life had becomed in the custom of others' need,
blood brings poison of sharpen words about promises and trust,
today only remembrances of the last hopes in this nomad soul.

Reading my thoughts I realize this fear.
each day one step near to my heart,
not even words can explain it,
hate, despair and shame,
also excuses to don't sleep;
changing my life
for the chance of the stories
that comes with the scream of midnight ligths.

I find my own in the darkness,
'cause the lack of light makes the perfect reachable reality,
without the color of masks,
without the disguise of the fake congeniality,
shining the path of my fate,
I may need more strength than this cold wind gives me,
but I'm tired,
tired to forsake rests of my life
day by day.

Texto agregado el 30-04-2007, y leído por 177 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
22-03-2010 Great job, I really like this text. Good for you. My five. Catman
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