Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / VampireHeart / Not again


I didn't expect for you,
I know that and now that I forget you,
I begun to see you in gray,
the colour of your soul has become transparent,
it's almost disappeared,
this light doesn't show anymore the soft relief of your heart,
you're just the shadow of another silhouette showed on the wall,
without movement, with no sense,
errant and imperfect as I thought in a beginning,
you have not defrauded the conviction of your destiny;
your voice, your thoughts,
phobias and shades already do not listen more as the singing haunted of the fog of the day of your dense frustration,
what a sorrow can't find you situated in the direction of my hope,
because your words already got lost in the same dream of my nightmares,
today I don't believe in you anymore, and though I think I'll wait for you, this is my farewell,
but you'll never know it.

No more news, no more troubles, no more lies, neither promises... no more of you.

Texto agregado el 30-04-2007, y leído por 304 visitantes. (6 votos)

Lectores Opinan
22-03-2010 Very good text. Shocking and with feeling. I loved it. Good work. Thanks for sahare. Five stars for you. Catman
10-10-2009 ¡OH! No entiendo, pero según el correo de las brujas, eres bueno en tu pluma. Saludos de vampiros. *5 aimara
06-03-2008 Es una mezcla entre oscuridad, gris, pesadillas y niebla pero simple y sencillamente me encantó, mis 5* vampiresa
02-08-2007 Muy bonita.. Le da un toque especial el hecho de estar en inglés.. buen trabajo Dielover
01-05-2007 nothing to say! gr8!! kizzz ;P My_dark
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