Primero sòlo una beve disculpa por el idioma, sòlo puedo decir que fue pensado en un segundo y en inglès sucediò.
We're so young, so old
and fragile, the source of evrything...
there was some kind of sublety
there was a glimpse
who show us the deep
that we came from
we are so young, so old
The weight of seeing evrything
the memory of a hundred faces ago;
to carry that in every whisper
in every nail we cut of
in every shy movement of my hand
in your eyes
to nest the question
what is that before the hollow?
before god?
just the hours
like eternity.
Texto agregado el 27-04-2007, y leído por 132
visitantes. (2 votos)
Lectores Opinan
el tiempo que complejo es.... me ha gustado, "everything or nothing", mis minúsculas 5* rene_parra
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