Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / AnaLuna / Unfinished


I have nothing to say.
I have nothing to think.
I have only, a pain
That keeps drawing me in.

A pain;
A something that burns my insides,
A something, a nothing reflected outside,

Sometimes my impulses make me want to let go.
Sometimes that same nothing gives me strength to say no.

And it hurts me that nothing,
Makes me cry just inside;
For the nothing in my life,
Makes days fly just right by...

Without nothing,
Without time,
With that something in me.

And I just keep longing the day I will dream again.
And I just keep missing the day that never came.
And I just keep.

So their concepts...
Knock me out in a war not over,
Bring me down to rise again and break the borders.

To break the mold,
To discover what great the world can hold,
To not fight day by day to survive,
To be able to live to dream and to fly...

An organized chaos,
Thats what I want.
An inside tormented,
Thats what I am.

Texto agregado el 13-04-2007, y leído por 165 visitantes. (3 votos)

Lectores Opinan
13-04-2007 wonderfull ***** osodepapel
13-04-2007 poem osodepapel
13-04-2007 somesay, someday--- g8!! i wish u the best... my 5 stars...hope it can help :S My_dark
13-04-2007 Good poetry dear. Poetacacho
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