Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / AnaLuna / Random Thoughts That Have Been Said


Some feelings should not be written.
Some wars are not worth fought,
But in the midst of thoughts my torments arouse.

You see...
Unconsciousness is a license to peace,
While awareness is responsibility for those who dare to live.

I lie in between.
I'm only, an old kid;
I see and think, and analyze...
But this mere fact will not suffice.

For because the labyrinth in a man's life is just a day
Struggling and surviving are not heroic acts.
And what my soul wants to convey is just. One fact:
We are all capable of changing fates.

Texto agregado el 13-04-2007, y leído por 160 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
11-10-2020 tal vez sí, tal vez no, parecería ser que el determinismo nos puso acá, es difícil saber si nuestro destino se puede cambiar, tengo mis dudas cafeina
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