Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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If there´s something I can do
then, it´s time to give up
cuz every time I'm triyng hard
to keep this world in real shine.

The people doesn´t care
about their feelings, about their brave,
they just see our fears
and bring them to have fame.

The only thing I know
is people doesn´t flow,
their hearts are so alone
and there´s nothing to bring them up.

The darkness is always there,
but you can´t feel it,
you can´t see it,
so you can´t be brave.

People are scared, I know
I am scared too,
not for that evil comunity,
but by the people who I love.

I must protec them,
I must warn them,
cuz im dying from the inside,
although it doesn't seems from the outside.

Please, somebody, help me,
help us, help them,
rescue them from the darkness
and bring them the great lightness.

Let me breath, let me live,
let me fly once again and for all.
If there's something i can do
I will start, fighting until the end of time...

By Amiu

Texto agregado el 08-04-2007, y leído por 71 visitantes. (0 votos)

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