Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / elrudo37 / Diamonds and Guns


Diamonds and guns

For guns we sell diamonds
For diamonds we kill with guns
Then if it is like that
Then it should be a real relax thing
To let the worlds be like that

I call upon you
To let me know what is the answer
What is the key
To cross the gate of inceserity
If I just stand alone
What seems to be the problem
That I would tell someone else my tropic
The center or beyond this limit
It is closing the limits
Or closing the gates
Creating a drive-thru
For the lonley souls to come to get
I still trust you
I still trust that you’ll do
You’ll make the point get thru
But before all this,
Please don’t let the corrupt get thru

For heaven, that I still trust you.

Texto agregado el 22-03-2007, y leído por 122 visitantes. (1 voto)

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