Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / elrudo37 / For the love of love at 6:30


For Luv At 6:32

I know it is always the end that terrifies you,
But as time evolves before your eyes,
The essence is more exquisite and present
Of the moment that was long gone.
There are reasons to believe in Love,
Like there are reasons why your body breaths to survive
The make up of everything in this world
Chain reaction of love
That is why; my love is my existence, and my existence within you
Believe since you did not knew it could possibly exist
Believe with out reason or logic
Just believe, without knowing
Do not blind your self
Start war and create chaos
Do not be blinded by the blinded
We are surrounded.

Texto agregado el 07-03-2007, y leído por 137 visitantes. (3 votos)

Lectores Opinan
13-03-2007 Si es una belleza, de verdad me gusta quebrarme la cabeza con algunos modismos. Is very beautifull. Vicky. five star to you.********* 6236013
07-03-2007 very nice!! en ingles las expresiones son más demostrativas... no suenan tan cursis...love!__hate!__beso! Maggie_Lee
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