Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rodolfo_gc_pitti / When the sailor comes to town


When the sailor comes to town, the bar is open just as the whores legs. He never looks back nor thinks twice. The glass is never empty. Void after void the mind travels and ends back where it all started. An ugly naked surprise floating a mile away. Some ugly whore didn't want to give head. Drink after drink, smoke after smoke, they all go down. He watches it all, his eyed view of the world is precise. When the sailor comes to town. He comes for something and leaving nothing, except for the wind.

Texto agregado el 03-02-2007, y leído por 218 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
16-02-2007 Short and it evoke the sailor man myth. Why not in english?. Does not english and the spanish are special cases of latin?. Whore house almost work house. Roberto_cherinvarito
10-02-2007 No es pertinente emplear otro idioma que no sea el español en esta página.No puedo comentar aunque puede ser que el texto sea excelente Ninive
03-02-2007 Its really good, but the last phrase sounds weird...Just that.... bye Ursulita
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