Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Sun , sun , shining outside
is growing a flower inside of my eyes
i saw a big garden, it's burning in fire
don't let the water in , i want to see it die

But please when stop the fire
let me get the powders are inside..
if you don't i dont care, i'ts mine
all right here and all that you see outside

You're walking so quietly in my ground
i'm getting angry, im just walking around

you must leave it and run very fast
i even don't like to see you around here
my head is counting 1 to 10
i won't see you , but a step i hear..
yeah! if i see you i'll burn you!
in my fire..
with my powders and my flower i'm breathing fire!
if it stops i can hang you whit my tie...so however you will die.

Texto agregado el 03-02-2007, y leído por 83 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
03-02-2007 En el lenguaje ingles el pronombre "yo" es con "I" mayuscula, no con "i" minuscula. RaUko
03-02-2007 check the grammar... tho it sounds interesting and has beautiful pictures... Just that.... bye Ursulita
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