Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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You bite
You bite me.
You smell my fears,
My insecurity, my anxiety
You taste them
You get over them
You take advantage of
I become no one
So powerless
Then you bite,
You bite me.
The sweetest sting ever
The graceful enchanté
Of pain and misery
And disillusionment.
The medicine too,
Playing with the cure
Like a god
With his own disasters
And his own miracles
So in the climax of pain
You spitefully heal me.
Because that’s the way I like it,
That’s the way I want it
Or that’s the way you used me to.
Caressing me, holding me
Licking my wounds,
Embracing the harmed skin
Touching the starving skin
Now I’m relieved
But then again
You’ll bite
You’ll bite me.
The foolish game:
You play with me
And I,
I play with the cobra

Texto agregado el 04-01-2007, y leído por 110 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
15-02-2007 Haber si no t matan con los comentarios q a mi m han dado por haber puesto algunos escritos en ingles!!! Ah, de ley q me encanto este!!! issabell
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