Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / elrudo37 / even when i sleep


Even when I sleep, the silence screams your existence.
Why should I suffer such pain on the comfort of my fortress?
Can’t hide no farther, can’t run faster.
All I can do now, is hide in a bottle of rum, beer or wine
Let their waters submerge me into passive opiate of “reality”
Where you are no one, and I’m a mirage
With my friends as shields no one can see my pain
With my friends as shields no one can see my rain
Flush out thru every pore of my so loved body,
Any essence of you, as my sweat starts to shrink
And my anxiety becomes obsolete
I’m back and my friends would forever be with me
Some might become roaches, and thrash,
But they were since the beginning just rats
That covered their faces with a fake friendly face
And behind all that, the reason was lie down
The reason to backstab every pore he would get his hands on
Friends are always there, but it takes time to unveil.

Texto agregado el 15-12-2006, y leído por 144 visitantes. (3 votos)

Lectores Opinan
07-03-2007 all i got are my stars to tell u that i love this refleccion! bye! big kiss__ Maggie_Lee
16-12-2006 It is difficult to take a life, in the middle of friends and one to have a truth difficult to reveal. The real friend, does not exist such a problem !!***** terref
15-12-2006 Wonderful...I have no words... Thanks for somethin like this... Good bye, congratulations... Ursulita
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