Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Tildur / Raining in hell


I come here today
serching for an answer
for all these years, for all this fear,
Will you answer my question?
or will you question my answers?

Tell my why I can´t fly,
(I don´t feel the wind, I don´t feel the rain)
Tell my why I can´t breath
(I don´t feel the fire, I don´t feel the earth)
Tell my why I can live without you
(Are you really here?)

In the sadows of the street,
there is a lonely men who walks alone,
without a sound...

But in the inside it´s raining
it´s raining in the inside,
it´s raining like hell,
blood rain are falling
upon my heart,
and my soul is burning,
my soul is dying this night.

Tell my why I can´t fly,
(I don´t feel the wind, I don´t feel the rain)
Tell my why I can´t breath
(I don´t feel the fire, I don´t feel the earth)
Tell my why I can live without you
(Are you really here?)

I see you in the silver eye
bringer of moonlight
silently obsever of this masquerade.

I walk trought the fire
throught the hell of my wayards
troght the pain and the violence
of this unending storm,
and in the other side,
I only find relfections and lies,
mountains of lies.

Tell my why I can´t fly,
(I don´t feel the wind, I don´t feel the rain)
Tell my why I can´t breath
(I don´t feel the fire, I don´t feel the earth)
Tell my why I can live without you
(Are you really here?)

Don´t you hear my crying?
Don´t you see I´m dying?
Feel the burning core of hell
in the deepest of my heart,
it´s rainin blood tears,
and the sky is crying for you...

Heaven and hell...

Texto agregado el 15-12-2006, y leído por 135 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
15-12-2006 Oh, great El_enfermo
15-12-2006 Oh, great El_enfermo
15-12-2006 Buenísimo... está acaso planeado para ser canción? Tiene todo el formato de una canción justo como las que me gustan... Me encantó la primera estrofa, "Will you answer my question? or will you question my answers?". Fascinante. Mis estrellas para ti. leily
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