Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Tildur / Suicide humanity


We are forsaken
on the grat god plan,
we were betrayed
and left here to die.

This is the end,
and there is no one to blame
for this tragedy
bringed by the human kind.

This is the war
that all of us feed,
this is the death
that al of us need.

All men and women die
there won´t be kids, won´t be laugh
only sorrow and grief
for all our crimes.

We slain mother earth,
and now we have nowhere to live,
water to drink and food to eat.
Finally, we suicide humanity.

Texto agregado el 30-11-2006, y leído por 96 visitantes. (0 votos)

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