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sometimes people don't really know ...

You are forgotten, they said....

Out of nowhere u start to feel it, feel the pain
well, I believe that is pain, I'm not really convinced
(maybe coz' the pain don't let u see .. )
And u began to think :

" This thing is never go away
I think i'm dying, it feel like dying
I look like dying?.... "

... later, when u see out side the scene
you thought so much about "what can I do?"
I really like to look back and say:

"For that shit almost die,
doesn't worth it... I pass "

so, time help u to delete all the bad memories away
and look like safety is here ...
boom! ;
just like that, "the pain" is back...

The memory is still there, and when it comes to my head it hurts so bad, I feel almost like touch in it.

Well, time will tale, I hope to get over it, I think..
but i'm confused because in my brain
there's one message and says :

" The only thing I really know about me is...
...that's all i'll ever know "

Texto agregado el 25-11-2006, y leído por 103 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
04-12-2006 Me llama mas la tencion en castellano...seguro se apega muy bien a la traducción...aunque te diré que lo que uno realmente sabe de uno es poco comparado a lo que se enteran y saben los demás. enoff
26-11-2006 The time is the best judge, though the cicatrises stay the wounds remove within !!****** terref
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