Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / veramujika / Hello Spaceboy


Spaceboy you come from far,
from where the pain does not reach
from where the stars shine bright
from where I used to be
belong and believe

Be sure spaceboy you turned my world
upside down
inside out
Be sure spaceboy you have come from the stars
to reveal the truth to me
to conquer what was once lost
but won´t forever be

Spaceboy realize,
you shine with the stars
you have brought your bright
to light the darkness of my mind

Beware spaceboy
you have no place inside
please keep distance from all you see
it´s just a fake
My hard cover won´t let you in
so please don´t try
just keep amusing
my wounded heart

Hello spaceboy

Texto agregado el 30-10-2006, y leído por 105 visitantes. (0 votos)

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