Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rodolfo_gc_pitti / She loved to use a broken glass of wine as a dildo


She wasn't productive anymore. And love was more about conformity than sincerity. The days were deadly fumes floating around the ambience. Rotten meat, a familiar stench. Violet clouds wrapped with green velvet. Pills, pills, pills and more pills to cure what the other pills did. She hit her head many times before and the marks on her wrists looked like lil' highways going nowhere. Pills, pills, pills. Few stabs here and there. Bruises covering the naked beauty. She had to be strangled and cut wide open, so he could finally orgasm. The cops never understood how that bottle of wine was inside her rectum. Anyway, despite it all, the priest said she was in Heaven. The end.

Texto agregado el 24-10-2006, y leído por 273 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
03-02-2007 *no sé si me da más placer tu cuerpo desnudo o tu rostro frío y sangrante* cheyin
28-10-2006 y eran 2 swingers de 70 años que gustaban de buscar sus victimas en distintos espacios del internet. ellos con sus caras tan inocentes, terminaban seduciendo sus victimas y luego desnucaba a cada uno de ellos. Ante los cuerpos desnucados, se masturban. stellawasadiver
25-10-2006 I liked it. But theres an exclusive site for the language you've chosen.. www.thestories.net sumogu
24-10-2006 A little nasty, but completely real... some people are so messed up that they can't find real pleasure... but hurting themselves. Congrats! Yknipy
24-10-2006 I like this. Short n funny. clown_is_alive
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