Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / jcancio / Autumn Love


Their beautiful eyes, like falling leaves
Crying in the wind, between my dreams
And the sad trees, crumbling with the cold air
Let me see her between the forest and my arms

It was a dead saturday in the noon
A strange attraction, fear of loneliness
My bloody tears, my deaf ears,
Won't let feel the beauty of your soul

Running along the forest, she disappear
Like a ghost, it sadly play with my feelings
And suddenly, my soul a fear begin to feel
A strange fear of darkness, and my heart fall apart

Came down in my dreams
A soul I could see, like a strange beauty
Along the forest I could hug her
And in the end kiss her, and never lose her

Let my heart come together
From the ashes of a hopeless soul
Let me be the one who live in your mind
To kiss you, and love you in this sad autumn

Texto agregado el 15-08-2006, y leído por 141 visitantes. (0 votos)

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