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¡Welcome Soledad!

Bienvenida soledad, mi amiga fiel;
the only one who always stay there,
when all the other ones have gone away
... far away

Contigo he compartido gran parte de mi vida,
in the sad moments....
in the happy days...
always you have been here with me.

No importa la hora del día,
it doesn't matter if it's by day
it doesn't matter if night has come,
you are never late.

Bienvenida soledad,
welcome again;
I don't know how much you'll be here
but thank's for being.

Tal vez algún día
we'll say goodbye and go on,
but today, we go together.

Mañana tal vez
you won't be here anymore,
but I won't miss you,
because that will mean
that somebody is here
occupying your place

Martin Dario Reyna Rosete
Cd. Mendoza, Veracruz; México
3 septiembre 2005
10:00 pm

Texto agregado el 21-06-2006, y leído por 124 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
21-06-2006 Me enferma no saber inglés!!! HaditaVelHer
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