Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / dra_katz / Almost june...


I'm rushing towards nothing
I'm hiding behind your eyes
I'm trying to fin the way
to leave without goodbyes.
Let me tell you why
it is that my heart
hasn't come back
from it's last match.
The song I'm trying to sing
is the lost kingdom
I made up once,
and that is now broken into pieces.
I'm not sure of it.
But I think my soul is ill.
I'm not safe in here,
So I'll try to leave.
The one time you said it,
The one time I believed it.
You don't need to explain,
I've already swallowed the pain.
Without goodbyes,
no more lies.
Without myself,
I'm just walking to death.


Texto agregado el 21-06-2006, y leído por 140 visitantes. (0 votos)

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