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Why am I writing in english? 'cos I don't know how else to express my pain, all the things that hurts inside of me, I can not take this no longer, I just pretend to be alive, even to have a life, every day is the same, work, work, work, I wish one day I could be able to have company, love, someone to talk to, someone to cry with, somebody in which I can just go and hide in his arms and pretend that everything is just fine, stop playing the "I don't care" fake, start living, start loving, and most of all feel like someone cares and I really deserve at least some love.

Why these lines are not in my natal lenguaje? 'cos I have no more words to express how tired I am to be here, to be alone, to just been living and not alive.

I wish I would never met you, may be that way I would never feel how is to really love someone, that way it wouldn't hurt this much, but maybe that was a chance to know how it feels, how is to be alive, to take a breath every morning waiting for that special person and give everything up just for him, doesn't metter if he is or not near, all that cares is that he is happy, that he is in love.

Yes, "I deserve more, I deserve been happy and in love again" I heard that a thousend times, all my friends, my family, even my dog can say it, but, do I really deserve it? what was my mistake, when did I do the wrong thing to have this as my result? I just want to know when did I fail to have this, just need a reason for this, then I have no more reason to be here.

Texto agregado el 31-05-2006, y leído por 156 visitantes. (3 votos)

Lectores Opinan
14-05-2007 the way that express your self in this writing, is the way that I feel, I am identified totally with it, I can undestand you completely. Very impressed about it, that is exactly as I feel sometimes.***** gfdsa_elisa
04-04-2007 malo trotamundos
15-11-2006 angie. I know what are you feeling. i feel the same way , everytime... now, i just do not try to be happy, so i feel better. i gift to you, five stars. abymoby
31-05-2006 Love always come when you aren’t waiting for it. Love is a mystery just like life. Good things always appear when you turn a corner, you must only be opened to receive them. Don’t let the train of life go through you without catching it. There is not only one person to be loved. Anytime, anywhere somebody will make you laugh again, be sure. Just open your eyes, your mind, your soul and wait. m_a_g_d_a2000
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