Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / xeromonio / Fallen angel


Heaven angels down,
Seven angels came,
To Seattle they were sent,
Why did they went?

Two came for his voice,
Five came for three boys,
They were bored up there,
No music was heard,

Angels want this boy,
With his graspy voice,
Someone who could shine,
Someone who could sing,

God want someone to sing,
God want someone to be,
God need some good music,
Seven angels took him,

People were insane,
It was the darkest day,
Now he couldn't came,
With all the fame he gained,

Instant death of grunge,
The idol was lost,
No one could have thought,
That Kurt now was done,

Fallen angel he is,
Fallen angel could be,
His legacy is all known,
Why do he had gone?

Texto agregado el 17-04-2006, y leído por 179 visitantes. (0 votos)

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