Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Tildur / Fallen angel


Far from my home,
heavens deny,
Far from my god,
resentful father,
losed into the human kind,
my childish beloved son.

I am the fallen angel,
servent in heaven,
king in hell,
banished by the lord,
my name is Lucifer,

Eternal suffering,
this is my fate,
I´m cursed
by the will of the one,
I will see my children
killed by their own
Fallen angel is my name
Walking without destiny

I´m cursed,
Is my fate,
Be banished
Of the paradise
to the hell in earth.

I´m the fallen angel,
Lucifer is my name,
black winds on my back,
dark thoughts in my mind,
eternal pain on my side
damned is my fate
I´m the fallen one
Angel with no heaven
soul without home
banished by god
stranger in everywhere.

Texto agregado el 21-02-2006, y leído por 117 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
21-02-2006 Sad and shady, different, creative. LAPLUMA
21-02-2006 Why this Fallen Angel don't come back with God again?... God will forgive him...if he want only...My advice?...stop the suffering...come back...with us... Regretful Angel 5* liar
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