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You´re so far away

It´s so easy live a dream who never promise be more than that…
It´s so easy just lose the own way and fall in a deep darkness
It´s not strange try to look back and smile thinking that´s past
I want to sleep… get some rest…
Breathe quietly and survive this nightmare who catch every single one of my moments…

Now you´re so far away…
I need to see you,
But you´re gone and I can´t stop you.
But if I never will see you again,
Let me tell you something:
Thank you for live
Thank you for makes me happy even far… in my memory.
I will miss you, but I´ll be fine
Not now, but maybe in other day
In thousands other days.

Maybe I’m needing cry for you
Maybe I need just sleep
Bathe in the sea
Go away with my pain…
Because I´m overwhelmed…

Now I let you go
Live your life, but live it well
Do your stuff,
But never look for me again.
I say you good-bye:
Promise me you’ll be happy
You’ll be fine
And you’ll be better than now:
Everybody has to grow and suffer
Never go apart of your beliefs,
Even if they’re fakes…
I’d love you without strangest symbols

Before sleep think in you´re life first that all…
Be you.

I love you
And I don’t blame you if you don’t…
Just walk
And if you someday are broken in the floor
Get up
And be strong
You always try it,
Times will comes when you have to prove it..


Texto agregado el 25-10-2005, y leído por 128 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
25-10-2005 Esta muy bueno... la sensacion de estar mal en el momento pero con la seguridad de que podras superarlo si es que la otra persona esta bien elbilba
25-10-2005 Esta muy bueno... la sensacion de estar mal en el momento pero con la seguridad de que podras superarlo... elbilba
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