Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Here standing alone, thinking, "dreamig dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before" and then I look and find nothing, nothing to calm me, nothing to give at least a little shine to my life.

I'm tired, tired of lies, tired of promisses that were just that, promisses that never came true. So what is left, worries and despair? God, is that the answer? is that what we are living for? when are we going to live without doubts, without fears of falling and of seeing falling the people we know...

Texto agregado el 10-09-2005, y leído por 754 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
16-08-2012 first we must learn to live in fear vihima
29-12-2005 da world is comin`down and we all are in fakin war to keep another people so far... the world is comin down and you and me, just writin kevlar_
03-10-2005 You write a great truth! but I prefer to read your texts in spanish language. I see you. morin
10-09-2005 living is falling. no one ever stops. death and rising again. hope it's not to fall over and over... frank_siscosis
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