Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / dra_katz / Myths you\ve created.


Don't pretend to know my age
when you can't even remember my name.
All those things you say you care about,
do they really exist?
Or is it just some other myth
that you've created to impress us all?

Stop guessing, start searching
an even better: start finding out
the deep and awfull truth that is wating for us,
"under the bed." they say.
Start opening your eyes,
and start seeing through this new glass.

Well yes, there are so many ways to see
that you'd never believe it
before you had the whole new view.
Don't stare at me in that way
because this is just some thought
getting away from my mind in a second.

And when you read about this in every paper,
when you hear about it on every show,
don't feel surprised, because you have always known
that in the end this was just made to really impress,
not like some, you know, myths that you've created.

Texto agregado el 06-08-2005, y leído por 174 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
06-08-2005 this is really pretty, congratulations, but i think.. some people hide behind other languages to say deep feeelings.. is not to same Te amo que I love You, just is my opinion.. I love your words, cogratulatiosn and one million of stars, for you. mateoroquesk
06-08-2005 Pretty... =) *5 NaXiO
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