Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Sweetie Girl

Sweetie girl you put final to my life, whit your almost celestial silence,
you follow me the whole day, but I can´t see your footprints,
and you step my hopes in a merciless way, without understanding,
that, they are the only thing that I have in this stormy and cruel world.

You accompany me and you abandon me in my eternal time,
allowing that your rain runs for my weary heart,
I beg you, that you go away from my soul, while I dream,
with a beautiful landscape of wonderful colors.

You that is my friend, wither my warm and good feelings,
you drown me with your cold aroma, that plays happy in the wind.
you don't sleep in the nights for not allowing that I dream again,
and in the morning you make bitter the day without giving me any chance.

Your you are so distant and so close that I don't understand as your these in my life,
I question me everyday, why you make me cry in the beautiful days,
maybe you are so insensitive, cruel and merciless, for not allowing me to be happy?
you my sweetie girl, my inseparable friend, please give me today a sunny day

You my sweetie girl, my inseparable and eternal friend, your that always has been there
unconditionally, since my deep childhood, today I want to tell you that I love you so much, sweetie girl, and i will miss you, when you give me finally the freedom, the love, the happiness, please my sweetie girl let me touch the dreams of my freedom, and this way, I will die in my magic dreams of freedom and peace

Texto agregado el 06-08-2005, y leído por 112 visitantes. (0 votos)

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