Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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lets see, where do everything starts, it may be done in a day, said lord werry
my name is not for sale, dear friend, if i am pleased to call you that, said john

everyone around the table was really excited to hear the marriage proposal of John and Natasha, who was a very poor girl around the county of Roadalud. Weeks and momentos before, many of the invited guests where to celebrate another extremely formal event filled with folklore and sadness, as it was the Losehad Battle was to be celebrated. The richer people where to dress as indefense victims of the Irish army who had crushed apart man or woman. All the people will cry at the same time, will make the same noises at the same time of clock on the east tower where people throwed bags full of waste that simulate the cowards who suicide. If someone not particpated will be hanged the next morning for blasfemus. An Irish man who considered that an amuse, stold away from his house that same day just looking at the act done by woman and children how placed maskes and simulated a hilarious run away from their future killers. Lord John as he used to call himself fell as everyman once in his patetic lose of bridge life in love, he was in love with a girl who seemed very nobel and had in his leg a very significant scar, it was bleeding, John not afraid to interrumpt the solemnity of the event grabbed the girl by the hand just to discover that same momento, the girl had the most amazing pair of blue eyes, the man had every seen, not in New Hamsphire, nor in the coldest waters of the Atlantic would have reflected that same eyes, protected by the most vivid and notorius look, was the perfect adress for the soul of a beautiful woman, he could distinguish everything about that young girl, as if all his life was inscripted for that second that just happen.
Mighty Lord woman! said in an unusual rage John, your left thigh is bleeding, you should be taken away with a doctor right away.

The woman just looked at John and realized we has just a fool for interrumpting the ceremony.

John insisted, Woman, listen to me... the blood becamed more and more red, a thick unnatural red, He realized the woman wasn't going to hear everything he had to tell him...

Texto agregado el 05-08-2005, y leído por 119 visitantes. (0 votos)

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