Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / hewiber / smile


When I always see you crying,
When your eyes stopped keep shining,
When I am worried about your feelings,
When I am sad, how you see me,
When you are staying on your knees,
Please, take my hand and smile for me!

When you look up and you see no strength,
When you think all is going wrong,
When your mood is down and your heart is broken,
When you hate the words which were spoken,
When you’re laying on the ground to everyones feet,
Please, hold my hand and smile for you and me!

When your soul is bleeding,
When your heart is leaving,
And all hope seems to be lost.
There is still someone who holds your hand,
Who lets you lay your head on his shoulders.
There is one at your site.
So please, take my hand, hold my hand,
And begin to smile!

© HeWiBer

Texto agregado el 21-06-2005, y leído por 113 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
30-06-2005 Sounds like a Morrissey song............. salvatiere
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