Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / HeWiBer / Without you


It´s so cold outside
it´s so cold inside my heart
`cause you´re not here.
I always think of you
I always dream of you
but you´re not here.
Raindrops are knocking on my window
Teardrops are knocking on my heart
`cause you´re not here.
Do I have to live without you?
Can I only dream about you?
Or will you be here someday?
Someday it will be too late
too late for you and me
`cause I can´t wait all my life.
I´m afraid to tell you
I´m afraid to see you
`cause you don´t feel like I do.
Raindrops are knocking on my window
Teardrops are knocking on my heart
`cause you´re not here.
Do I have to live without you?
Can I only dream about you?
Or will you be here someday?

Texto agregado el 26-04-2005, y leído por 141 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
09-12-2005 Bien buen texto elbilba
30-06-2005 Much better....... Kind regards. salvatiere
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